Food Professionals Protecting
Our Farms, Food & Water
From Fracking
Oh Yes!  We Won a Ban!!!

Oh Yes! We Won a Ban!!!

Today, December 17, 2014 is a great day in New York for Chefs for the Marcellus and all who have spoken out to keep NY frack free.  A great day for our regional foodshed, for our food and beverage producers, and a great day for the future of working together!...
Batali & Telepan Rip Fracking

Batali & Telepan Rip Fracking

Kudos to chefs Mario Batali and Bill Telepan for speaking out on the issue of fracking in today’s New York Daily News.  Expressing their concern about drilling’s impact on New York’s important agricultural sector,  they urged Governor Cuomo — who has been a huge proponent of NY State agriculture —...
Elizabeth Royte, “Fracking Our Food Supply”, Nation Magazine

Elizabeth Royte, “Fracking Our Food Supply”, Nation Magazine

“In Louisiana, seventeen cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid. (Most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.)… In western Pennsylvania, an overflowing waste pit sent fracking chemicals into a pond and a pasture where pregnant cows grazed: half their calves were born dead. The following year’s animal......
Ken Jaffe, Slope Farms, Meredith, NY

Ken Jaffe, Slope Farms, Meredith, NY

“The industrialization and pollution of rural upstate New York (through fracking) would kill the production of organic and sustainable food in this region.”
Chef Heather Carlucci, Co-founder, Chefs for the Marcellus

Chef Heather Carlucci, Co-founder, Chefs for the Marcellus

"Help farmers find better ways to ensure their future. Most important, please write to Governor Cuomo to tell him that you support our farmers and want to protect their livelihood from fracking!"
Elizabeth Royte, “Fracking Our Food Supply”, Nation Magazine

Elizabeth Royte, “Fracking Our Food Supply”, Nation Magazine

“In Louisiana, seventeen cows died after an hour’s exposure to spilled fracking fluid. (Most likely cause of death: respiratory failure.)… In western Pennsylvania, an overflowing waste pit sent fracking chemicals into a pond and a pasture where pregnant cows grazed: half their calves were born dead. The following year’s animal...
Latest Entries
Connecticut Chefs Launch Campaign to Ban Fracking Waste!

Connecticut Chefs Launch Campaign to Ban Fracking Waste!

Chefs for The Marcellus’ Jeffrey Lizotte, executive chef of The Restaurant ON20, is helping to establish CT Chefs for a Ban on Fracking Waste and needs all of us to reach out to our CT colleagues to support the effort.  He writes: Here in CT, our communities are threatened by fracking waste that will be...
Chefs for the Marcellus Supports GE Labeling

Chefs for the Marcellus Supports GE Labeling

Chefs for the Marcellus has followed campaign members Mary Cleaver, Michael Anthony, Bill Telepan, Jimmy Carbone, and several more in signing on to the NYS GMO Labeling Campaign. Please join us now in the fight to pass legislation (A.3525/S.3835) that would require the labeling of genetically engineered seed, seed stock and food sold retail in...
Campaign Co-founder, Heather Carlucci, talks to Epicurious about Chefs for the Marcellus

Campaign Co-founder, Heather Carlucci, talks to Epicurious about Chefs for the Marcellus

Chef Heather Carlucci, sat down with Joanne Camas of to talk about our campaign and why it continues to be so important to her. Heather, mother of a young child, discusses why fracking is dangerous to water, farming, the local economy, and the environment we leave for next generations. “Restaurants and hotels can’t function...
Business Leaders Needed to Sign Amicus Brief to Uphold Home Rule in New York

Business Leaders Needed to Sign Amicus Brief to Uphold Home Rule in New York

Residents in the New York towns of Middlefield and Dryden were among the first to vote to keep their municipalities free of heavy industry, an effort to zone out fracking. These towns were promptly sued by drilling companies. “New York State has enshrined in its Constitution the principle of ‘home rule’ — the right of...
Business Leaders Needed to Sign Amicus Brief to Uphold Home Rule in New York

Business Leaders Needed to Sign Amicus Brief to Uphold Home Rule in New York

Residents in the New York towns of Middlefield and Dryden were among the first to vote to keep their municipalities free of heavy industry, an effort to zone out fracking. These towns were promptly sued by drilling companies. “New York State has enshrined in its Constitution the principle of ‘home rule’ — the right of...
Sat Oct 19, 11am, Chelsea Piers: NYC Global Frackdown

Sat Oct 19, 11am, Chelsea Piers: NYC Global Frackdown

Governor Cuomo will be hosting a brunch Saturday, October 19th to promote the bounty of New York State farms at the NYC Wine & Food Festival. We want to make sure he and everyone attending the festival knows that fracking would put our food, beer and wine at risk. Come to peacefully rally at NYC’s...
Join Us at 61 Local on October 15

Join Us at 61 Local on October 15

Food, Fracking, and You: How extreme energy projects affect our food, our local businesses, and our communities Join the Brooklyn Food Coalition Policy Committee and their partners Food & Water Watch, Chefs for the Marcellus, and Businesses Against Fracking New York on Tuesday, October 15 for an educational panel discussion on fracking and extreme energy...
Join Chefs for the Marcellus at the ICC

Join Chefs for the Marcellus at the ICC

Chefs for the Marcellus will be at the International Chefs Conference, September 29-October 1 at Pier 57 on the Hudson River. We’ll entice visitors and exhibitors to our booth to sign our letter to Governor Cuomo with actual tastes of the Marcellus Region thanks to Catskills Provisions, Eve’s Cidery and Brooklyn Winery. We will also...
California Chefs Launch Campaign Against Fracking

California Chefs Launch Campaign Against Fracking

Congratulations to our west coast colleagues who today launched the Chef’s Petition in Support of a Fracking Moratorium in California! We are thrilled that Chefs for the Marcellus has played a role in inspiring their team that includes Anna Ghosh at Food and Water Watch, Alice Waters, Chez Panisse, and Naomi Starkman. We urge everyone...