Obama’s Climate Plan Endorses Fracking
06/25/2013: President Obama releases his Climate Action Plan and it’s full support for fracking. READ MORE
Farmers Could Get Fracked if Neighbors Give OK
03/13/2012: Bloomberg looks at compulsory integration on New York farms. READ MORE
A Four Part Series on Fracking and Farming
Cooking With Gas
03/06/2013: Peter Hoffman of Back Forty explains his stance against fracking for Edible Manhattan. READ MORE
Fracking our Farms: A Tale of Five Farming Families
02/20/2013: The story of 5 farmers struggling with the economic and health impacts of fracking. READ MORE
Huffington Post: Letters Delivered to Gov Cuomo
02/15/2012: Chefs for the Marcellus delivered the letters they’ve collected from food professionals speaking out against fracking. READ MORE
The Nation: Fracking our Food Supply
11/28/2012: Elizabeth Royte examines the impacts of fracking on farmers nationwide. READ MORE
DEC: Still Questions about Hydrofracking
10/22/2012: DEC still has more questions about the health impacts of fracking. READ MORE
Illinois Farmers Protest Fracking
8/1/2012: Illinois farmers took time away from their fields and livestock to protest fracking. READ MORE
An Ohio Farmer Speaks Out
8/5/2012: In a comprehensive and well-researched article, a farmer questions whether tracking will harm her family and her livelihood. READ MORE
What Americans Get From Fracking
4/4/2012: Americans get a lot out of the new technological process called hydrofracking (fracking)–but most of what we get, we absolutely don’t want. READ MORE
Brewery Ommegang Threatened by Fracking
11/15/2011: One of upstate New York’s premier breweries may have to pick up stakes if fracking is approved. READ MORE…
What Will Fracking Do to Your Food Supply?
5/18/2011: Joe Holtz is manager of Brooklyn’s Park Slope Food Coop, which buys … upwards of $3 million products from … New York area farms … says that his environmentally conscious organization would be forced to seek alternatives to New York meat and produce if fracking becomes commonplace.” READ MORE…
Fracking With Food: How the Natural Gas Industry Poisons Cows and Crops
7/30/2010: “On the morning of May 5, 2010, nobody could say for sure how much fluid had leaked from the 650,000-gallon disposal pit near a natural gas drill pad in Shippen Township, Penn. — not the employees on site; not the farmers who own the property; not the DEP rep who came to investigate.” READ MORE…
Five Things to Know About Fracking and Food
7/21/2011: Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director of environmental advocacy group Food & Water Watch, explains. READ MORE…
Fracking Cattle
7/15/2010: “As the prospect of natural gas fracking looms on the horizon for New York State, many area farmers are alarmed and concerned that it could put them out of business.” READ MORE…
Natural Gas Fracking: Ruining Your Lunch
7/2/2010: “You should understand that the industrialization and pollution of rural upstate New York will kill the production of organic and sustainable food in this region. …” READ MORE…
Why Fracking and Farming Don’t Mix
“Much of the land sitting on top of the … Marcellus shale field in New York State that is targeted for … hydrofracking is active farmland. Fracking this land has the potential to disrupt farming productivity, endanger livestock health and affect produce and livestock quality. It presents a huge danger to our food supply.” READ MORE…
Fracking and Local Food
“Please think about what life would be like without our farms, with contaminated streams and ruined land.” READ MORE…
Fracking & Farming Don’t Mix – Isn’t It Time We Exhibited Some Precaution?
5/12/2011: “According to data presented by Bob Lewis of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, of the roughly 225 farms participating in the New York City greenmarket system, 40 overlap with the Marcellus Shale formation and therefore are in areas potentially to be targeted by frackers.” READ MORE…
Farmers Get Fracked
Slope Farm, in the Delaware County town of Meredith, has become one of the major producers of pasture-raised and finished beef for the metropolitan New York markets. But if fracking comes to the area, farmer Ken Jaffe says he’s “basically out of business.” READ MORE…
Fracking Hell: The Untold Story
France has already banned fracking. Find out why in this excellent, short British documentary. WATCH THE VIDEO…