Campaign co-founder Heather Carlucci and Chefs for the Marcellus are featured in the Spring / Summer 2014 edition of USA Today Green Living. “Cooking Up a Solution: Chefs Band Together to End Fracking” details the environmental concerns associated with fracking in the Marcellus region, including “its impact on the water resources of the region and its proximity to food-growing resources for a large part of the East Coast.”
The article profiles Heather’s successful career as a chef and restaurant consultant in New York, her connection to the Marcellus region and growing concern about the impact of fracking on the region’s food source. Her advocacy for further research about the dangers associated with fracking led Carlucci to help launch Chefs for the Marcellus campaign in 2011. Meyer highlights the fact that our ” 250 [Chefs for the Marcellus] members focus on fracking issues in the state of New York,” taking strides to “increase public education and awareness around the issue by making connections online and reaching out to people through one-on-one conversations, at public rallies and booths at farmers markets.”
We love this quote from Heather: “Most of us who have spoken out against fracking have thought long and hard about how our present lifestyle is involved and what we’re going to have to give up if we truly want a cleaner energy source.”