Chef Jeffrey Lizotte of ON 20

Chef Jeffrey Lizotte of ON 20

Chefs for The Marcellus’ Jeffrey Lizotte, executive chef of The Restaurant ON20, is helping to establish CT Chefs for a Ban on Fracking Waste and needs all of us to reach out to our CT colleagues to support the effort.  He writes:

Here in CT, our communities are threatened by fracking waste that will be trucked into our state for disposal.  We have an opportunity to raise our glasses to bi-partisan leaders who are supporting legislation to ban fracking waste in our state. Banning toxic, radioactive fracking waste will secure Connecticut’s future, and ensure the health & safety of our patrons and families.

I urge you to join with me and others in our industry by signing on at this link CT Chefs for a Ban on Fracking Waste. From Connecticut to California, we have a shared table to protect today and for tomorrow.