Beef Farmer Ken Jaffe Signs on to Our Campaign

Beef farmer Ken Jaffe of Slope Farms, a leading and outspoken critic of fracking, has signed on to our campaign. Ken raises grass-fed beef on the hilly slopes of the Catskills in the small town of Meredith, New York, and supplies meat to fine restaurants and hotels and discerning individuals in New York City and upstate New York. His biggest customer is Brooklyn’s Park Slope Food Co-op. He has famously been quoted as saying that if fracking comes to his area, he is “basically out of business”:  “You’re dealing with some of the most powerful carcinogens known to man, like benzene, toluene and xylene, which are illegal in drinking water over one part per billion,” says Jaffe, who practiced medicine as a family physician for 25 years and studied epidemiology before switching careers. “If they say fracking fluid is 99 percent water, that one percent is equivalent to ten million parts per billion.” Please join Ken and our growing list of food professionals by writing  to Governor Cuomo to tell him that you support our farmers and want to protect their farms and their livelihood from fracking!


Photo by Ulla Kjarval